Monday, October 19, 2009

My benchrest.

After thinking how I could make a rest for shooting I came up with this. From the rest to the backstop it is exactly 25 mtr and as it is set between the kitchen and the utility room i am out of the cold. I set out 2 target sheets and tried it out for position and hight. It was spot on and i shot off 10 shots at a 25 mtr target.
Looking from the rest to the backstops at the top of our garden. Nice line of sight and i keep warm too.

Very stable and using my hunting cushion it was nice and soft on the elbows.

As you can see, it works. And when im finished i can slide it out and pack it away leaving the doorway free from obstruction.

Friday, October 9, 2009


my night vision seems to be on its way out so went old school got
the lamp out an headed for the hills

on arrival had a good look round to find plenty of action ... Sime
had his new Yukon NV unit so needed to keep some distance so
i would not blow his image intensifier tube. So we split up i went
over four or five field while Sime stayed putt with the NV

i saw three in the first field but the distance was to make the shot
imposable so i needed to close down the range quite allot ,using
every thing i could as cover against the moonlight and crawling for
about thirty yards .I slid under the barbed wire witch separated
the fields to find i was well within range ,so i flicked on the lamp
but one had gone...never mind i can only get one shot off
anyhow..Both jump and run ,placing the beam in front of them
they both stopped and i could see one on the edge of the
scope,but when i moved the cross hair on to him because
the lamp is mounted on the gun the beam flooded him again
sending him running so i stopped him again moving the beam in
front of him this time when i passed the cross hair over him he
was not to move, so he went over with a click of the trigger....
great stuff one in the bag in no time.

although the bag was not empty the next rabbit was to come just
as quick in the next field lamp on and over he went, but with it
came the Grimm sight of the rabbits dangerous foe. with its eye's
puffed and pussy i was sad to see the disease,but at the same time
was happy I'd taken this bunny because it was obviously in some
real pain and discomfort as the picture below shows ...most of its
fur was rubbed off its face ,front legs and back legs ....and was
the skinniest I'd seen for some time...and i left him were he lay

this one is to match my friend Duncan....still eating

the next couple were text book opps................

bottoms up..........................................


i headed back over to the N.V man..who had bagged up as
well with sneaky night vision shots he,d totted up three
,one of witch was a modest 50/55 yrd shot

Sime in the position i found him in when i got back....Yukon
unit in hand

Sime's pyramid off bunnies

Mike s410

Thursday, October 8, 2009


In the next few weeks our new website will be filling up with loads of new stuff. I will be keeping this blog going but i will be also working on the new website too.
The new site can be found at and will become a dedicated site based around all things air rifle. Come and have a look around and let me know what you think.
Richard Nash.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The all new AirGun Shooting website is now up and running. This is the new look website for the AIRGUNNER and AIRGUN WORLD magazines. Click the link to check out this fantastic website, packed full of infomation, helpfull hints and tricks and keep up to speed with everything in the airgun insustry.

Theres loads to look through, so what are you waiting Here and have a look!

Get £2,000,000 Shooting insurance for less than 6p a day by joining the British Airgun Shooters' Association. Click the picture to get yours.
The BASA is the only association exclusive to airgun shooting and runs in partnership with Britain's largest shooting organisation - the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (B.A.S.C.) - to protect the future of airgun sport in the U.K.